On-line entries for Season 1, 2013 are now open. Click on the GBJT Enrolment Icon to enrol!
The cost for Season 1, 2013 will be $175 (discount of $20 for each additional family member). Full payment is due at the time of enrolment.
In 2013, GBJT players will be registered with Tennis Queesland automatically with payment of the GBJT fees. There is no longer a $33 TQ fee. Parents of GBJT players are invited to register with Tennis Queensland for 2013 through GBJT for free. This registration covers a number of benefits, including personal accident insurance and the offer of priority seating for the Brisbane International and Australian Open tennis tournaments. Registration can be made by GBJT on your behalf or by on-line registration through Tennis Queenland, nominating Greater Brisbane Junior Tennis as your club. Any family members who would like to be fill-in players for GBJT in 2013 can also be registered for free.
The TQ website where registrations can be made or checked is: www.tennis.com.au/mytennis