Risk Management Strategy
Greater Brisbane Junior Tennis (GBJT) has developed a Risk Management Strategy (RMS) which is available from the centre supervisor.
As an Affiliated Club with Tennis Queensland, GBJT has adopted the Member Protection Policy (MPP) which is incorporated into the RMS and committ to ensuring children are safe when participating in tennis activities and that our services are delivered with the best interests of our young participants as a key focus. As part of this we have a responsibility to:
- adopt the practices and behaviours set by Tennis Australiaas the expected standard when carrying out their roles (including the MPP).
- implement screening measures to ensure only appropriate persons work with children.
- report any abuse or neglect of which they become aware to Tennis Australia or the Officials of GBJT and where necessary to external authorities responsibilities for child protection or topolice, regardless of whether that abuse is being perpetrated by persobbel within their organisation, or by others within the wider community, including members of a child's family, their extended network or starngers,and
- deal with alleged offending behaviour of harassment, abuse and discrimination.
In the event of a Player, Parent or Official becoming aware of a matter or incident that needs to be reported, the GBJT Member Protection Officer is Mr Peter Davis. A matter or incident can also be reported to the Secretary or Treasurer of GBJT.