Greater Brisbane Junior Tennis Association Inc.


GBJT Season 2, 2023

Season 2, 2023 GBJT Fixtures commence Saturday 5 August at UQ and QTC.  We look forward to welcoming our new Players and Parents and welcoming back our returning Players and Parents. Wishing everyone an enjoyable season of tennis with GBJT. Any questions or concerns let our centre supervisors know (Peter, Peta and Eira). 

GBJT Season 2 - Entries Closed

Season 2, 2033 GBJT entries are now closed. Team draws and information about the fixtures will be emailed out Monday 31 July with our first round of fixtures starting at UQ and QTC on Saturday 5 August. 

GBJT Season 2, 2023 Grading Day for New Players

The grading day for new players will be held at the Queensland Tennis Centre (QTC), Tennyson on Sunday, 23rd July from 3:00 – 5:00 pm. Enrolments are available on-line  

Season 2  will run from the 5th August to the 11th November.

GBJT Season 2, 2023 - Enrolments for returning players

A reminder that the enrolment form for GBJT Season 2 is now available on the GBJT website ( ).  Enrolments for Season 2 will close this Sunday, 23rd July.

Returning players do not need to attend the grading day.  If you are not returning for Season 2 but would like to fill in occasionally, please let us know. 

Season 2  will run from the 5th August to the 11th November.

Season 1 - Raffle

Congratulations to our lucky winners of the GBJT raffle drawn on finals day:

Raffle Winners
1st Prize Signed and Framed GBJT Club Shirt - signed by 20, 2023 United Cup Players Jack Lambley
2nd Prize Head Tennis Racquet, sporting products and PRA court hire Jasmine Chen
3rd Prize Head sporting products, PRA court hire and $30 QTC pro-shop voucher Bea Kijanka
4th Prize Head sporting products and $30 QTC pro-shop voucher Alex Raymond


Finals Day Family BBQ and Sponsors

The all day family BBQ was a great success with everyone enjoying the food and drinks to celebrate an enjoyable season. Special thank you to everyone who helped out on the day and in particular to The Henderson, Dimmick and McGuire Families for preparing and cooking the wonderful food. 

We also want to thank our sponsors and supporters for the wonderful awards and raffle prizes on offer on the day. Head Sporting Products, Tennis Queensland and QTC - much valued and appreciated by all. 

Finals Day - Season 1, 2023

It was a perfect winters day for GBJT Season 1, 2023 Finals Day held at the Queensland Tennis Centre for our players, parents and supporters. Some great tennis and very close matches on the day to determine our team winners, runners-up and best of the rest results for the season. Well done to all our players and it was great to see the sportsmanship and enjoyment had by all.  Congratulations to our Sportsmanship and Most Improved Awards Winners for the season. The results are set out in the table below.

GBJT - Season 1, 2023 Results
Level Winners Runners-up Best of the Rest Most Improved Sportsmanship 
Pennant Division 1 Meteors Galaxies Coments Tobias Meehan  Zachary Dimmick
Pennant Division 2 Eagles Falcons Hawks Luke Williams Jerson Iannella
Pennant Division 3 - Blue Storms Cyclones Hurricanes Isabella Say James Huynh
Pennant Division 3 - Green Opals Emeralds  Sapphires Sebastien Goldsworthy Kate Armstrong
Level 1 Cheetahs Leopards Lions Jacob Freeman Aurelia Wells
Level 2/3 - Blue Emus Wombats Wallabies  Archie Parbhakar-Fox Leo Li
Level 2/3 - Red Saabs Porsches Mercedes Owen Ho Dylan Forwood
Level 4 Labradors Wolfhounds Beagles Elijah Fry Rubin Rhee


GBJT Doubles Tournament

Over 40 players enjoyed competing in the Annual Doubles Tournament this morning at QTC. A great morning of tennis and congratulations to everyone who played and the results are set out below.  Thank you to all our parents and in particular our mums on Mother's Day.

2023 Annual Doubles Tournament
  Winner Runner-Up
Pennant Red

Zac Dimmick and Fynn Henderson 

Lachlan Butler and Lucas Qu
PennantBlue Elaine Wang and Ethan Wang Arin Jadhav and Daniel Wu
Level 1 Issac Freeman and Jacob Freeman James King and Augustus Sepulcri
Level 2/3 Ayla Riddell and Elise Whitton  Lachlan Kua and Brandon Kua
Level 4 Allison Cao and Lucas Cao Austin Wells and Bow Yu


GBJT Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The GBJT Annual General Meeting will be held at 12.30pm Saturday 18 March 2023 at The University of Queensland (Saint Lucy Cafe).

GBJT - Week 1 Season 1

Dear Players and Parents

The New season of GBJT will start at UQ and QTC today - 25th February.  We welcome all players and trust the teams are organised and ready to go. Please contact your team captain if you are unsure if you are playing.

We are looking forward to the new season of tennis and we hope you have a great match. 

Please see the GBJT Centre Supervisors Peter, Peta and Eira if you have any questions.

GBJT Season 1, 2023 Fixtures

Dear Players and Parents, Season 1, 2023 GBJT Tennis Fixtures commence this Saturday at the Queensland Tennis Centre (QTC) and the University of Queensland (UQ)!  Player information, draws and instructions will be emailed out Monday - if anyone has not received the email please let us know. Wishing everyone and enjoyable season of junior tennis fixtures. Take care, Peter and Peta. 

Season 1, 2023 Nominations Closed

Nominations for Season 1, 2023 are now closed!  We will forward Team Draws and Information out to our players and parents during the week beginning 20 February 2023. 

GBJT Season 1, 2023 Fixtures - Grading Day for New Players

The Grading Day for GBJT Season 1, 2023 Junior Tennis Fixtures will be held for New Players at the QTC on Sunday 12 February 2023 at QTC.  Enrolments are available on line for new players now and we encourage everyone to complete these before arriving for grading.

Season 1, 2023 - Enrolments Now Open

Enrolments are now open for new and returning players for Season 1, 2023.

GBJT Season 2 2022

Greater Brisbane Junior Tennis Association (GBJT) provides a  Saturday afternoon  tennis fixtures program for school-aged children, playing at The Queensland Tennis Centre at Tennyson and The University of Queensland Tennis Centre at St Lucia.

Season 2, 2022 will  start on Saturday, 6th   August  and run  until the 12th  November.

GBJT will hold its Grading Day (for new players) on Sunday, 24th July, from 3:00 - 5:00 pm at The Queensland Tennis Centre, Tennyson.

Enrolments for new and returning players can be made on-line, through the GBJT website or at the Grading Day.  Enrolments for Season 2 will close  on the 24th July.

Presentation and Family BBQ

During the afternoon everyone enjoyed our family BBQ which was provided by ACS Catering. At the conclusion of our finals, we held our presentation of trophies and awards as well as the drawing of our raffle. Well done to all and these are set out below:

Raffle Winners:

First Prize - Fynn Henderson

Second Prize - Philip Beutel

Third Prize - Jonathan Moore

GBJT Award Winners
  Sportsmanship  Most Improved 
Pennant Div 1 Joshua Wennerbom Bayden Farren-Price
Pennant Div 2 Jerson Iannella Jeric Gao 
Pennant Div 3 Hamish Cavanagh Luke Williams 
Level 1 Boys Jeremy Harvey Benjamin Dimmick
Level 1 Girls  Emily Jones Alexa Sheehy
Level 2/3 Mixed James King Cohan Parbhakar-Fox
Level 4 Mixed Blue Joshua Last Isla Pollock
Level 4 Mixed Red Krish Borse Harvey Howarth


GBJT Finals Day - Season 1 2022

GBJT Season 1, 2022 Finals Day was held today with a beautiful fine day to conclude our season.

It was a difficult season for GBJT and outdoor community sport with many challenges including the floods and rain!  Despite this, we all enjoyed a great final  day with so many close and good matches held to determine our season successful teams. The most pleasing aspect of the day was the sportsmanship and enjoyment our players had on the day. 

The team results are set out below:

GBJT Season 1 2022
  Winner Runner-Up Best of the Rest
Pennant Div 1 Galaxies Stars Metors
Pennant Div 2 Falcons Condors Eagles
Pennant Div 3 Topaz Emeralds Rubies
Level 1 Boys Lions Cheetahs Panthers
Level 1 Girls Swifts Skylarks  Kingfishers 
Level 2/3 Mixed Bilbies Wallabies  Emus
Level 4 Mixed Blue Topspin's Volleys Smashes
Level 4 Mixed Red Beagles Labradors Terriers


GBJT Season 1, 2022 Finals Day, Presentation of Trophies and Family BBQ

Dear Players and Parents 
The GBJT Finals will be played this Saturday, 11th June, with all GBJT teams playing at the Queensland Tennis Centre at Tennyson.  Play will start at the earlier time of 1:00 pm for most teams.  GBJT have booked the courts from 12:30 pm so players can come early to warm up.  Players starting at 1:00 pm are asked to arrive by 12:50 pm so that play can start on time.
The Presentation of Awards and Trophies will start about 4:30 pm.  The list of the award winners for the Sportsmanship and Most Improved Player Awards, will be sent out later in the week.  Players on bye from the teams in the Finals are invited to attend the presentation to collect their trophies.
GBJT will hold a free BBQ for players and their families, starting about 2:00 pm.  The  COVID-safe BBQ will be provided by the QTC café.  Players not playing on Finals’ Day are invited along to watch the matches and share the BBQ. 
The GBJT Finals’ Day Raffle will be drawn after the Presentation of trophies and awards.  The prizes include a Head Tennis Racquet, Head products, and vouchers for hire of Pat Rafter Arena, QTC Pro-shop and St Lucy Cafe at the UQ Tennis Centre.  Tickets can be bought on Saturday afternoon or via email this week. 
We wish all teams the very best of luck for Finals’ Day!
Kind regards,
Peter and Peta

GBJT 2022 Annual Doubles Tournament

A beautiful day greeted our players for the annual doubles tournament on Sunday 29 June!  Some great tennis was played by all with many close sets and most importantly an enjoyable morning. Results for the day are set out below:

GBJT 2022 Annual Doubles Tournament
Level Winners Runners-Up
Pennant Red

Lucas Tan and Joshua Wennerbom

Bayden Farren-Price and Aidan Beutel


Ethan Vu and Jack Tregear

Fynn Henderson and  Finn Adendorff

Level 1 Boys

Arun Matkar and Maxim Yelkhovsky


Benjamin Dimmick and Satvik Swarna

level 1 Girls

Aimee Wigan and Ariel Ginges


Gabriela Mika and Grace McGuire

Level 2/3

Gordon Pearce and Matias Jarami

Augustus Sepulcri and James King

Level 4

Elise Whitton and Ayla Riddell

Winston Zhang and Luca Dozzi


GBJT - Flood Update

We trust everyone is safe and recovering from this difficult weather event!

Unfortunately there will be no GBJT tennis fixtures played this Saturday, 5th March, as we have received advice from both the Queensland Tennis Centre and the University  of Queensland Tennis Centre, that they have suffered some significant water damage to their courts and facilities and that both centres are not available this weekend. 

We hope to update everyone soon, as to when it will be safe for GBJT to commence our tennis fixture season. 

Take care everyone,, Peter, Peta and Eira. 


01 Jul
Enrolments Open for Season 2, 2024 - New and Returning Players
21 Jul
Grading Day for Season 2, 2024 - New Players - QTC 3pm-5pm
21 Jul
Season 2, 2024 Enrolments for New and Returning Players - Closed
03 Aug
Season 2, 2024 - Fixtures Commence at QTC and UQ
20 Oct
GBJT Annual Members Singles Tournament - UQ
02 Nov
Season 2, 2024 - Semi-Finals Day
09 Nov
Season 2, 2024 - Finals Day, Family BBQ, Presentation of Trophies, Awards and Raffle